What if we pursued our goals with the same laser focus and intensity of a tiger pursuing its prey?
To obtain what you seek, your goal should be part of your routine of daily life, both mentally and emotionally. It must become your priority and an ever-present passion that continues to push you forward.
Life is full of distractions – I’m not immune to it either. There are far too many stimuli that promote consumption and not as much encouraging us to create. When we consume more than we produce we lose our balance and become encumbered with inertia, other people’s thoughts, heavier emotions, debt, clutter, perhaps even heavier bodies.
Additionally, due to a constant barrage of advertising, new desires are continuously put in front of us. We are often reminded of things we don’t have, or what others have. Too many desires dilute our focus and spread us thin. It is expected to have desires that propel you to action, ideally, ones fueled by passion and enthusiasm. Those are the aspirations you should direct your attention towards, and not let your drive and concentration become disrupted by rogue thoughts of lack or worry or endless side-quests of material acquisition.
So, what are your most dominant thoughts lately? Out of the 60,000 you have in a day, it might be hard to know. This is the benefit of mindfulness and disciplining your thoughts – because they direct your life. The more you center around a few thoughts that are sustained by hope, vision, and excitement, the faster you can expect to see results. The more your focus becomes derailed by negativity, distractions, and secondary desires, the longer it takes. If your mind is continuously bogged down by events of the past, how can you expect to move forward?
There’s no new information in this post, it’s simply a reminder. Whatever happens to be circulating in your mind the most is what is being created. Establish your priorities and keep your mind centered around your primary objective. Continue to fuel your fire by holding a vision of your future and feeling the excitement that will come from having succeeded.
Next post will be more about actions. 🙂
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