Finding Your Inner Spark
While discussing the Jupiter return period with a client, I realized I hadn’t covered this topic. Even if this transit does not produce some huge life change, there are still impactful shifts/events happening that may not reveal their importance until time has passed.
Jupiter is the only planet that emits its own light; the rest of the planets only reflect the light of the Sun. So, I like to think of Jupiter as the planet showing what really lights us up inside. What would keep you going while everything else went dark? Just like the Saturn return brings attention to the source of your greatest responsibilities in life, Jupiter return shows where you’ll extract the most joy or wisdom from life.
Jupiter represents true happiness that isn’t attached to any ego, illusion, or outside influence. Thus, it always works to bring us closer to our most authentic selves. This is the joy you can count on despite whatever external forces are unraveling. One of the names of Jupiter is Jiva or “life.” So, Jupiter return is a period of engaging more with life, and discovering what really “gives you life.”
When Jupiter returns to the sign it was in at the time you were born, something is coming into your life to remind you of what your spark is. Jupiter gives something valuable in the context of your individuality, as well as your individual capacity for joy. This is also a time of gaining a broader understanding of the world and feeling like living more fully.
What Did You Get During Your Jupiter Return?
Jupiter takes roughly 12 years to complete its journey through the zodiac, so the return happens at the age of 12, 23, 35, 47, etc. Do you remember what was happening in your life at those ages? If you’re a parent, pay attention to what is grabbing the interest of your child at the age of 12. Encourage them to develop those interests and understand it’s a source of their long-term happiness.
These sources of happiness are often Jupitarian in nature or have some connection to the house your Jupiter resides in. Some things that come up might be your philosophy and beliefs, expanding your knowledge, relationship with God, capacity to earn and enjoy wealth, the birth of a child or being with children, gaining a husband (if interested in men), acquiring a mentor or Guru, etc.
But the most important thing is paying attention to what is really making you happy during this time. If you are familiar with what the different houses represent, you can gather more specific insight based on the house your natal Jupiter is in.
My Experience with Jupiter Return
When I think back to age 12, that was when I learned how to read properly. I had been way behind, and it wasn’t until I stumbled upon a unicorn/fantasy novel series that my reading went from poor to excellent. Even though I never thought of it as significant, my mom frequently referenced that year as pivotal for me. I think it showed that I would always gain joy and inspiration from mystical themes. This has definitely been the case. Other noteworthy themes were pets and animals. I was obsessed with horses and had lots of opportunities to ride them that year.
At 23, the return felt more focused. It was when I found (Vedic) astrology and it clicked in my head that was what I wanted my career to be. It took a while for that to happen, but regardless, astrology never left me for a single day. Understanding life through the lense of astrology has been a cornerstone of my happiness through the most difficult times. I also got a job as a veterinary assistant during that time (this was somewhat of a breakthrough for me) so it looks like animals came up again.
So, though this isn’t a transit that’s going to make you win a jackpot or make life perfect, it will bring to light your best source of fulfillment. When we know what that is, we can consciously nurture those things instead of focusing on what isn’t working out, or things that only offer superficial happiness.
Do you remember what you were focusing on during your Jupiter returns? If you have trouble thinking about what your Jupiter house placement means, leave a comment and I’ll give you some ideas.
Hey Brooke. love your thoughts on Jupiter 6 degrees of Capricorn (conjunct Saturn) in the 6th house. Jupiter is sextile my Sun at 2 degrees Pisces. Thanks!
Hi Marn, I’m curious what year you were born as I can’t find a year where Jupiter was at 6 degrees of Capricorn while Sun was at 2 degrees of Pisces. Are you wondering what that placement means in the natal chart or what it means when Jupiter hits its return in the 6th house? Just wanted to clarify!
Hey there, I’m using Vedic calculation. DOB is March 15, 1961, 5:38 pm, Niagara Falls. Thanks!
Sorry, I didn’t fully answer your question. Was wondering what the Jupiter return means for this house and sign configuration.
There’s a few possibilities I’ll share with you, I think 6th is one of those houses that isn’t always as clear as the others. But, Jupiter return in the 6th house will often focus around fulfillment from health, doing more meaningful work, and an improvement in routine that makes life better. Might be a time of really feeling fortunate for the freedom they have in their routine – maybe they’re their own boss, have a flexible schedule or get to work from wherever they want. The health may improve because of the positive changes in career/routine.
The reason work comes up is because 6th house has that connection to daily responsibilities, but also because from the 6th, Jupiter is special aspecting the 10th.
Animals can also come up, as well as spending more time vacationing (Jupiter directly aspecting the 12th). Hope some of that resonates!
Hi Brooke, this year I have jupiter return at the exact same time as transiting uranus opposite sun, both in my 7th house. Do you have any ideas what that might mean?