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The crown chakra is where we receive guidance and where we build the bridge to higher realms. This chakra also deals with imagination, fantasy and “visions.” It is the spiritual center you can use to connect to spirit without having super developed psychic senses.
Personal Story on Learning to Channel
One night I was sitting down to channel/connect with one of my guides. I had some expectations of meeting an Atlantean woman with lovely soft, flowing energy. This was a guide who had stepped forward in a prior reading I had, and I wanted to know more about her.
As I sat, I kept myself open to all possibilities and told myself to accept whatever crazy, weird, or “stupid” thing came into my head. As instructed I envisioned a doorway and asked my highest guide to step forward. In my mind’s eye, I saw a masculine figure with wings. “Hm, ok…not a woman but I’ll go with this” I then asked “Who has come?”
“Metatron” was the answer I received.
Now, I didn’t know much about Metatron other than he’s an Archangel. I became sheepish, surprised, and not really sure how to proceed. I was a bit “psychically tongue-tied” so to speak. But in this state, I began to feel a wonderful downpour of energy, first above my head but then it all went to my back and shoulders. The exact words I used to describe my experience in my journal was that it felt like a cloak, a cloak of love. Our meeting ended a bit abruptly – I expressed my deep gratitude but had no idea what to ask or say.
Naturally, after this experience I read more about Metatron in the Archangel’s Guide to Ascension. I learned about “Metatron’s Cloak.” This was the validation/confirmation I needed. Prior to this, I knew nothing about a “cloak” but it matched exactly what I experienced. I later asked a well-known Angel mystic if I had an angel guide, and the answer he gave was Archangel Metatron. That was more confirmation.
Now, I don’t want to make this too off-topic and start talking about the cloak and what it means. What I’m trying to show is that my willingness to accept and not judge what I felt created this “opening” and allowed me to experience more. Also, what started as me trusting my “imagination” actually lead to tangible sensations. Later, I had confirmation of what I felt. In the beginning, it will probably feel like you’re making it all up, but you can ask for confirmation in some other way. You can also ask yourself a question prior to channeling and see what your mind comes up with, and then compare it to the answer you get while channeling.
You don’t need to be psychic to start channeling
While the sixth chakra is your psychic center that handles clairvoyance, precognition, and similar skills, you actually don’t need to develop your psychic skills to be a good channel! It does help by giving you new ways of receiving information, but it is certainly not required to start. The most important thing, especially if you want to make contact with high-level guides, is to expand your spiritual center (the crown chakra). You do this by living with integrity, love, truthfulness, and aligned with your higher ideals. The rest is practice.
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