Embedded below is a video I made on Mars retrograde (occurring from December 6th to February 23rd). While the video goes over what you can expect from Mars retrograde in general, my article here covers the specific areas of life affected (determined by the house Mars is retrograding through in your birth chart).
I don’t think this article alone is good enough without the context that the video provides. Also, I hope you’ll kindly excuse my rushed and lackluster writing. While this topic does interest me, having to write out the meaning of each house is like trying to dump the contents of my brain onto a page quickly, so I can move onto other things! It’s just not my favorite thing to write about.
If you want to track Mars over the next few months, you can do so here: Startransits.com
Mars Retrograde Through the 1st House
Here, Mars is moving through the house that represents the body and life path. This makes one feel strain and stress more physically, or in a way that feels “all encompassing”, as though life requires more effort right now. This transit is known to create more conflicts that a person is forced to defend themselves in, but interestingly, this transit is also considered a reward transit for Mars that brings benefits from their associates/siblings (team mates). So, there could be some big accomplishments with team mates or siblings during this time. I feel like in a different time period, this would show benefiting from comrades during conflict/battle. But anyway –
Training and working out is another form of intentional strain that we put our bodies under to improve. Mars transiting the ascendant, or casting a strong aspect to the ascendant can put Mar’s focus/discipline towards the body in a productive way. Thankfully, Saturn is not aspecting Mars right now so your body is less likely to just break down. However, injuries are more common whenever Mars transits the ascendant, so keep your activities low-risk.
Because Mars aspects the 7th, 4th, and 8th, from the 1st house, this can bring bigger life changes, such as moving to a new home or severance of a relationship. Sometimes there’s so much attention paid to the first house itself, that people forget the aspect upon the 4th and 8th house, often causing great pain at some point during this retrograde.
Mars Retrograde Through The Second House
Mars’ transit through the 2nd puts a focus on finances, and this can be a period of financial stress or thoughtful drive towards making more money or solving money issues. Arguments may occur due to money, or you may have to account for impulsive spending. When Mars moves back into Cancer during this retrograde, it can highlight feeling insecure as a provider. Overall, there’s more attention to being disciplined with resources and working towards financial solutions.
The second house also represents personal value in the intangible sense. This retrograde can cause injury to your self-worth and cause you to ask, how are you protecting or defending your own value?
Mars Retrograde Through The Third House
This is one of the better houses for Mars to transit through, since the third house is the house of self-efforts and competition. The idea is, when Mars moves through the third, we get help in an area of life that naturally benefits from Mar’s influence. This is mostly a period of developing willpower, but it can also be a time of making clear steps/actions towards goals. From the 3rd, Mars aspects the 6th, 9th and 10th.
Mars moving through the third also tends to coincide with travel, which can be either short or long-distance, but the duration is usually not too long. Trips may even feel impulsive, or done last-minute.
Mars Retrograde Through The Fourth House
As mundane as it sounds, you can do more home repairs – things break and need to be fixed. Since Mars is a karaka for property/real-estate, it tends to put a greater emphasis on efforts towards those things. But besides home, the 4th house is also your inner world and your safe/happy place, which can feel shaken up during this time. There can be some conflict or tension with your mother as well, or your mother is going through a difficult time. You may feel emotionally restless, particularly towards wanting fulfillment from others, as Mars is casting its special aspect to the 7th and 11th. Considering those aspects, it’s also possible to cut ties with someone in your network circle, or a partner.
Mars Retrograde Through The 5th
I know others say this transit brings energy and enthusiasm into romance and dating, but that depends on whether another planet is making this lean more positive. Overall, I maintain that Mars brings things through difficulty. So with that in mind, while the drive might be there, it is likely to face disappointments or frustrations with romance during this retrograde. Things aren’t moving how you want. Chat GPT will tell you it heightens your desire for romance, but I say it makes you uninstall the dating apps and take a break for awhile. I see that happening when Mars aspects the 5th, as well.
But on the positive, this can give you new outlets for expression, perhaps through a form of media. New sports, activities or putting effort into recreational activities with children can happen during this time.
Speaking of children, this might be a big area of focus during this retrograde if you have them. More specifically, trying more effective methods of discipline or structure, working on resolving conflict with kids, or simply children have demanded more from you due to some challenging milestone.
During Covid was when I had Mars retrograding my 5th house – suddenly locked up with both my kids all day and trying to find new activities to do and the effort that came from that. It was a challenge!
Mars Retrograde Through the 6th
Mars retrograding through the sixth can bring health issues to a head or cause you to take note of the effort needed to be healthier. Adopting martial means of improving health is common, such as lifting weights or working out. These kinds of activities can become new parts of your routine.
There can be some issues with work during this transit that are coming to a head, or the routine becomes more demanding. As the house of debts, you may reach a point where you need to start catching up with payments, or maybe a grace period has ended or student loans need to be paid. Basically, this retrograde can cause you to start coming up with a way of managing debt.
Mars Retrograding through the 7th House
Mars retrograding through the 7th house can bring issues within relationships and business partnerships. If relationships are heading towards an end, this is likely the period a true breakup will occur. Otherwise, a change in the dynamic, conflicts, or feeling less secure in the relationship is typical.
Because Mars is also looking at the 2nd house of income and the 10th house of career, there is increased effort towards career and earning money. During Mar’s “regular” transit through the 7th, there is often some tension or less enjoyment from work that quickly blows over, but during the retrograde it can become a longer issue.
This is also a hard transit for the body, particularly if Saturn is suppressing the immune system by simultaneously aspecting Sun or the ascendant. Ailments such as infection, cold sores, rash, or cuts/accidents can happen. If health is otherwise good, there may be a small injury/accent (usually a cut).
Mars Retrograding through the 8th house
Mars retrograding through the 8th house can bring disputes over wills and inheritances. If you’ve been receiving financial help, this would be the time when that help ends, or you have to start contributing more. This can break or detach you from any lingering dependencies on others, or make you realize it’s becoming problematic. You might even choose to cut yourself off from financial help. Because this retrograde is occurring in Cancer, feelings of financial insecurity can dominate. This retrograde might make you feel as though you’re digging yourself out of a hole.
Feeling inspired to work hard towards achieving a new title or position also arises due to Mars casting its special 4th place aspect to the 11th house. This might be one way Mars is working to solve the financial insecurity I mentioned.
Also, there can be frustrating situations that bring to light what you’re receiving from others, and if it is in balance with what you provide to others (8th/2nd axis).
Mars Retrograding through the 9th House
This is another house that can trigger traveling, particularly trips with (or to visit) friends, siblings or coworkers. If in college/university, this is when coursework becomes particularly grueling, or you run into problems with higher education.
As I said in my video, Mars has a way of causing a severance to things it is influencing. Even in the auspicious 9th house the malefic effects of Mars can be felt. During this retrograde, you can lose out on something that felt like it should be part of your fate or good fortune. It can feel like an unlucky time, like things that should have unfolded with grace are requiring more effort from you. You can be put into competition with colleagues or friends, or feel a strain on a friendship. Due to Mars’ special aspecting the 12th and 3rd at the same time, your rivals/competition may even be hidden from you.
Additionally, Mars retrograding through the 9th can make one feel like they can act recklessly but might still be protected by some good luck. During this time you’re getting a reality check with what can be achieved through good fortune alone, vs the efforts that need to be put into it.
Mars Retrograding through the 10th House
Mars moving through the 10th house can give some interesting opportunities for recognition or time in the public eye, but this may mostly be due to work responsibilities. This is a time to avoid conflict or dishonest behavior, as conflicts can become public. You can suffer some kind of embarrassment or an event that makes you feel ashamed at work (or on social media, these days) or you may get fired. Keep in mind, Mars will be in your 10th house every 22 months (roughly), and it’s not like everyone is getting fired every time Mar transits it. It’s just that when someone does lose their job, you will always see Mars in the 10th or casting its full strength aspect upon it.
Overall, its a less enjoyable time at work where you may experience “micromanaging” from authority figures, or have your own authority questioned by those around you.
Mars Retrograding through the 11th House
The 11th is called bhava-sthaana, or “the house of tangible manifestation”, so these are real, tangible gains or results from work/efforts we put forth. When Mars retrogrades through the 11th, it puts a focus on whether you feel compensated enough for the work you’re doing. Being the hungry planet that Mars is, and the 11th house being a house of desire, during this time you feel some discontent or insecurity with achievements. You may feel underappreciated, since the main type of social fulfillment the 11th house gives is recognition.
So, working towards advancement or a new title, wanting more recognition or compensation will be the primary considerations.
From the 11th house, Mars cast its special aspects upon the 2nd and 6th – these are two artha houses of getting material needs met, the 2nd with a focus on finances and the 6 on debts, health, and work routine. With other positive aspects, this can be a productive time of managing an increase in workload and getting noticed by others. If Mars is aspecting these houses alone, work feels more stressful. The honeymoon phase may be over and you don’t feel as appreciated, or you find out what other people are getting paid, etc.
From the 11th, Mars is casting a direct aspect to the 5th house. Romantic connections can come to an end.
Mars Retrograding through the 12th House
Mars retrograding through the 12th house can bring up stress and difficulties over letting go of something. This can be something represented by Mars, such as real estate, or something that gave you feelings of security – so you could be in the process of selling a home. Since the 12th is also the house of expenses, this can bring expenses related to property.
Since the 12th house is where we escape from the stressors of life and where we go to feel restored, this retrograde can disrupt sleep, or be a time of high stress.
As dramatic as it sounds, there’s potential to discover “hidden enemies” during this transit. Something like experiencing a betrayal, receiving treatment from someone you would never expect it from, or discovering someone doesn’t have your best interest in mind.
Thanks for reading.
no 11th house
Oh wow, you’re right. I’ll get that added in, thanks for pointing it out.