athasväàço grahäëäm.
Now the self-division of the Grahas
If you enjoyed learning about your Atmakaraka, the next thing to analyze is your Atmakaraka in the Navamsa. This is called the Svamsa ( often spelled Swamsha, svamsha, or swamsa).
One of the first things I look at in the Navamsa is the Svamsa. This is because it’s quick, and gives me immediate insight into a person. Jaimini places a lot of significance to the svamsa in determining core character traits and spiritual inclinations. Jaimini uses the Svamsa as the foundation for other techniques that provide insight into career, authorship, home, marriage, and more. If you’re interested in learning all of these techniques yourself, you can do so at
Even without using the other techniques around the Svamsha, you get a lot of information about a person just knowing the Svamsa rasi. This shows what traits you’re maturing throughout life and with what ease or torment you grow. I became fascinated with the Svamsha and have put a lot of time into contemplating Jaimini’s descriptions and adding my own observations. Once I learned the meanings of the Svamsa Rasi I was surprised how it cut to the core of a person’s primary needs of fulfillment.
Jaimini uses the word “Panca” in regards to the Svamsa, a word meaning “afflicted” or “tormented.” For this reason, the swamsha represents a lot of qualities we are maturing through in order to obtain fulfillment. There is often an element of duality with the swamsha, what I observe as an integration between the swamsha rasi sign and the opposing sign. This certainly makes sense with the word “Panca” also means 5, the occult number of duality that precedes balance/harmony.
How to Determine the Svamsa / Karakamsa?
Determining the Svamsa is easy. You simply check what sign your AtmaKaraka planet is in in the Navamsa chart. To see your Navamsa/D9 chart you can use the chart calculator here.
What’s the difference between Karakamsa and Swamsha?
The short answer is they are the same thing. The word Karakamsa is a contraction of Atmakaraka in the Navamsa, used in Parashara’s section on Jaimini. Though Karakamsa and Swamsa mean the same thing, those using the term Karakamsa are usually using it as “Karakamsa Lagna” in the D1.
Because Jaimini’s sutras are often cryptic and open to interpretation, not all Astrologers agree with how the Svamsa is calculated. Some consider the Svamsa to be the sign that your Atmakaraka falls in the Navamsa, but analyzed in the birth chart. Example: If your Atmakaraka planet fell in the sign of Virgo in your D9 chart, you would look at the sign of Virgo in your birth chart as your Svamsa.
That is not the interpretation I follow, but an entirely separate technique referred to as Karakamsa Lagna popularized by K.N Rao. I consider it to be a secondary way of evaluating the svamsa.
Meaning of Svamsa Rasis
Over the next few weeks, I’ll post the meaning of the Svamsa in Aries through Pisces. You can also apply this info to your Darakaraka. While the sign of your Swamsha will tell you about yourself, the sign of your Darakaraka will tell you about your spouse.
I have vargottam atmakarka Jupiter conjunction venus in pisces in 1 house of swamasa i am 19 years old and i am gaining so much interest into spirituality and astrology
Yes! With Pisces swamsha you will continue to develop your spiritual side in ways you probably never expected. Jai Sri Hari