Rising from the depths of emotional despondency and moving towards the light is the goal for Scorpio svamsa
If your atmakaraka falls in Scorpio in the Navamsa chart, then you are Scorpio Swamsha. Your swamsha sign gives a whole new layer of information of soul qualities and soul lessons. If you have not read my introductory article on Svamsas, I encourage you to start here. I apologize if switching between the alternate spelling is distracting or confusing; I do it because a lot of people google it as “swamsha.”
In Scorpio Navamsa there is fear of snakes and harm to the
mother’s breast
Scorpio Svamsa is… an interesting one. The lack of nourishment from the mother, as mentioned in the sutras, has been consistent in all my Scorpio swamsha encounters. The reason the sutra’s say “that contained in the breast” specifically, and not just the word “mother” is because it’s calling attention specifically to nourishment. Those with this swamsha were deprived of maternal nourishment which provides a foundation for safety, security, and inner contentment.
This lack of nourishment always tends to throw the earth element into deficiency, so we usually see an overcompensation with getting material needs met, or other symptoms of Earth deficiency. Such as, needing continual support, appreciation, and nourishment in order to feel self-worth. This also ties into Taurus being the sign opposite Scorpio, and shows balancing material and emotional security.
As a water and Brahmin sign, there’s a strong capacity for spiritual growth in these individuals. Curiously, the mother’s religion or beliefs seem to play a part in their mother’s coldness or astringent personality. I may be reaching with that one, it’s just something that has come up a few times now. They may feel compelled to branch away from the beliefs that felt responsible for their mother’s intolerance.
Scorpio Svamsa Needs to Develop Psychic Boundaries
Scorpio – demons, water, serpents/Vishnu and deprivation of that
Contained in the breast.
Alyamse sarpato bhiitih piidaa maatuh payodhar.
BPHS, Effects of Karakamsa, 5 1/2
When Jaimini refers to “demons” this is describing difficult and turbulent emotions, as this is one svamsa that can become very mentally tormented. But I’ve seen a number of spontaneous “psychic awakenings” occur with this svamsa as well. For the untrained psychic, they can become bothered by spirits, entities, and may feel crazy. Of course, not every Scorp swamsha person will have this extreme of an experience, but developing psychic boundaries is a must.
Jaimini lists “water” as one of the afflictions. Whenever water is listed as an affliction, it is symbolic of emotional issues and developing emotional strength and fortitude. This also means feeling safe with their emotions, and struggling to filter out that which harms them psychically. Water has no boundaries, so it is vulnerable to everything that tries to mix with it. These people can be hypersensitive to stimulation, or anything that enters their body or energetic field.
Water is also the most Yin element and represents the ability for stillness, deep rest, and to retreat into oneself and find tranquility. So one of the difficulties with scorpio swamsha is having the ability to sit still, rest, or get good sleep.
As always, we have to consider the dignity of the scorpio svamsa planet, and whether it is receiving helpful rasi aspects or unhelpful. This shows us whether the Scorpio svamsa person continues to grow spiritually, alchemizing their torment and sensitivity into something beneficial, or if they drown in the weight of their emotions. Again, the fact that “Vishnu” is included in one of the indications for this swamsha shows the capacity for immense transformation and spiritual growth.
Those who have had their psychic senses fully opened will need to raise their frequency so that they become unreachable by lower spirits. If this is something you’re struggling with, contact me.
Thanks Brooke, this is more than accurate for me. I’m struggling with psyche’s boundaries and feel heavy or disturbed when someone enters my space, moreover it’s as if I’m being thrown structured torment in my head and imagining stuff that aren’t happening. Not schizophrenic yet it’s a mystery for me to unlock my whole psyche as said above. I’m here for contact, we could chat on Instagram if you permit. Thanks!!
Hi Suraj, thank you for reading – I’m glad you found resonance with it. I’m not active on instagram, but my email inbox is open. There is a lot one can do to help with these things and I’m always happy to give suggestions. I hope you have a happy and blessed New Year.