Of all the wise quips and proverbs that circulate the internet, this little piece is one of my favorites. And, as Mars moves closer to Rahu over the next month, you may need the reminder as well. I wish I knew the source, but it goes:
I once asked a very successful person to share their secret with me. The person smiled and said, “I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters.
I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me.
I stopped fighting for a cheating partner.
I stopped fighting for attention.
I stopped fighting to meet public expectation of me.I left such fights for those who have nothing else to fight and I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny.
The day I gave up on small fights is the day I started becoming successful. Some fights are not worth your time. Choose what you fight for wisely.”
Another quote that comes to mind is, “You can wrestle with a pig in the mud, but after some time you realize you’re tired and dirty but that the pig loves it.”
Some people are simply in their element when fighting or being antagonistic, but engaging with them is pointless. It is what the Rakshasas enjoy doing, and unless you have that temperament, you’re going to be depleted. Whenever I have succumbed to someone else’s goading in an emotional or reactive way, I feel an incredible loss of power. And that is exactly what happens – your power, energy, and emotional equilibrium are zapped away from you.
Sometimes these things are out of your hands (often the case when Rahu is involved) and discord shows up when it’s time to leave a bad job, move out of your parents house, or distance yourself from an unhealthy friendship. Whatever the case may be, there’s always an opportunity to work on how you respond. Your response is the only thing you can control. Keep building real power in the face of small fighters or petty tyrants by overcoming your triggers and being rooted in yourself.
But, there may also be times when you’re a small fighter. You may have a hard time overlooking or forgiving for the sake of peace. Proving your point may be more important to you than harmonious relationships. If you have those moments, take some time to identify what the root cause of your frustration is. From there, you can work on solving your frustration instead of wasting energy on small fights.
Wishing you a harmonious Mars/Rahu transit.
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