Will my prediction be better than this AI-generated photo? Only time will tell.
A couple years ago I started studying stock market crashes going back to the 18th century. I saw the broad patterns, but nothing that would narrow it down to the month or day. It was too difficult to find a pattern while looking at market crashes in multiple countries, so I had to narrow my focus on the United States. After that, my research became more productive – enough that I’d like to give a prediction at the end of this article based on what I have learned.
But before I do that, I’m going to share some of the challenges of astrological stock market predictions. Surely, astrology with all its attention to timing and cycles should tell us something, but I have yet to see an astrologer develop a solid system for market predictions. Maybe there’s one I am unfamiliar with? I expect something that will allow me to predict years and years in advance, and I believe to have found just that.
Anyway, here are the challenges:
Limited or Incorrect Historical Data
If you were to research historic market trends, the info you get can be inconsistent. One website will list a certain date as the “peak date” but with a little more digging, you find it’s off. I never rely on one source for anything – everything you are considering to be a fact in your research should be tripled-checked. Making astrological predictions off incorrect historic dates/events will give you rubbish and confusion.
Ideally, I’d get to see market numbers for every single day in a year, but this is really hard to find online for market events that occurred over 20 years ago. If anyone knows of the best source for this, let me know!
The astrology history is limited as well. For example, the New York stock exchange is 232 years old, and it takes Neptune 165 Earth years to complete a cycle. So, we’ve only had 1 and a half cycles of Neptune to find patterns with. You need more than one cycle to find patterns, and we have less than 2 for Neptune and only 3 for Uranus. Still, I found some things to work with but I acknowledge it’s premature.
Not Getting the Full Picture or Basing Predictions Off the Wrong Thing
Additionally, sometimes the only historic dates provided are the dates where the market was at its peak or the lowest point during a crash. Is that the date we want to look at? Does that date hold the secret to predicting a crash, or is it a date that occurred 2 weeks prior that triggered the avalanche in the first place? It can be tricky attributing an event to the right thing and astrologers make this mistake often.
Knowing the Formula But Not All The Variables…or Something
The other hard thing about this, is that it is like figuring out the general formula or maybe order of operations, but the variables are always changing. It’s not like “I will just wait for all these planets to return to where they were the last time the market crashed” because that never happens. An astrological time never repeats itself exactly.
This is more like stacking criteria on top of each other to find a time when all the criteria will be met – in slightly different ways and with some odd variable thrown in. It’s maddening, actually.
Astrological Stock Market Prediction for 2024:
If things had started to “click” in my research just a little earlier, I would have predicted the spike that happened in Spring this year – it matched everything I had found the past 300 hundred years. It also sucks I didn’t publish this article a couple weeks ago when I intended…but oh well. I expected a shift on August 4th, but I thought it would be very small compared to what happens in September, so I thought I’d just stick to “the big one.”
September 2nd
September 29th/30th
Further out:
These dates were not chosen because I’m riding the coattails of what happened this month. These days contain the trigger points and are a culmination of other criteria shifting into place the last couple of years. LOL WHAT IF I’M WRONG.
I will admit this – the 2nd of September I originally wrote down as a spike. It has the characteristics of historic peak days that happen right before the plummet. Buuuut….now I think both days will be drastic falls. I will be disappointed if these two days do not stand out in some way. It is possible that August 5th kicked off a steady decline, and those days in September will only mark particularly big drops. All signs point to ruckus though. If nothing noteworthy happens, I’m fine with that because I know I will figure it out eventually.
There is one piece of criteria missing from the September dates this year (to my annoyance). It’s a piece that shows up very consistently in the worst of crashes. Mar’s retrograde will prevent this criteria from clicking into place until next year. Although the conjunction is missing, a strong full aspect is happening…so let’s see what happens.
7/24/2025 is when that other criteria comes together. It may be the housing market crash everyone is trying to manifest, but I will revisit that.
Thanks for reading,
There will be a lunar eclipse on 18th September this year followed by a solar eclipse immediately after 14 days on 2nd October 2024. Big daily Stock market crashes, earthquakes and other natural calamities will be aggravated because of the eclipses. Lunar eclipse happens in purva proshtapada nakshatra flanked on both sides by Rahu and Saturn (sidereal). This is ominous as Pisces sign is the 2nd sign from US ‘s Aquarius sign.
Hi Sir, I appreciate you reading (and commenting). Thank you for bringing up the eclipses – I am nervous about Mar’s 4th drishti on the eclipse on October 2nd and the US’s natal Saturn. It is days from being a year anniversary since the Israel/Palestine conflict became horrendous. Pray for peace.