Like the unfolding of a rose, our growth is similar to a gradual opening of new layers of consciousness. It happens in its own time.
In order to truly master a lesson, it must be tackled from all angles, in different scenarios, with different players. To come to a solid understanding of the workings of things, we have to test it, find its limit, and test it again. The soul doesn’t want theory, it doesn’t want second-hand information on what it means to be human. Your higher-self wants to understand things in their entirety, which calls for lots of different experiences.
This is why lessons reoccur and show up in new ways. We may think we reach a point where we’re “done” with certain situations, only to have it come up again. Many of us have some very stubborn themes in life that never seem to resolve. Chances are, your soul wanted to experience that lesson at varying depths and angles.
Growth is kind of a back and forth between tension and stability. Sometimes you reach a good place emotionally, spiritually, or materially, only to have something come and knock you down. It doesn’t mean you’ve backtracked, or that you’re now farther away from being an “evolved” person. It is just what was necessary at that point in time to reach a new level of self-awareness. Isn’t it true that our biggest blunders proceed our more significant breakthroughs? That big mistake, lapse of judgement, or difficult experience is what catapults us into new awareness we wouldn’t gain otherwise.
It’s nice to think that once we experience a few years of balance and security that we can put all the upheaval behind us. The closest we probably get is our Ketu Maturation at the age of 48. That isn’t to say we won’t experience transitions afterwards, but it represents that point where we can grow beyond our karmic limitations. We’ve gone through the Rahu crisis and explored areas outside our comfort zones.
You can think of it as a maze, which gives the illusion of backtracking even though we’re progressing. I also like to think of it as a flower, which is more of an unfolding, rather than moving in a linear growth pattern.
Anyway, just remember you came here to squeeze as many lessons into this life time as possible. Having it all “figured out” by a certain age isn’t the goal (and thank God) because we’d all fail. Go easy on yourself (and go easy on others), and trust the experience.
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