You are in a cocoon of your own bad habits, and you must be freed to spread its wings of beautiful divine qualities.
Good habits are your best helpers; preserve their force by stimulating them with good actions. Bad habits are your worst enemies; against your will they make you do the things that hurt you most. They are detrimental to your physical, social, mental, moral, and spiritual happiness. Starve bad habits by refusing to give them any further food of bad actions. -Paramahansa Yogananda
We are the sum of our habits – good and bad. Many wise men and women have spoke about this simple truth.
But when people want to change their life, or have a different experience and different results from what they’ve been getting, they’ll exhaust all the options before doing the critical thing that will make the difference: changing habitual behaviors.
The inability to change bad habits is the crux of many of our issues. I suppose if it were easy we’d all be walking around with only good habits that support our health, relationships, decisions, mental attitude, etc. In some cases, we may not even be aware of what some of our bad habits are. Unfortunately, our habits matter way more than any amazing ideas we have, or our good intentions for ourselves and others.
With that wisdom in mind, taking Astrology and putting it in the terms of our habits is an incredibly helpful and brilliant approach. This is why I have enjoyed Ernst Wilhelm’s newest Lajjitaadi Avasthas* course so much. He always has a way of aligning Astrology with wisdom we can readily observe and apply to our lives.
Ernst has generously taken some videos from his course, the ones that cover the habits of each planet, and put them on his YouTube channel. You can get a better idea of which planets you’re in the habit of using to your advantage, or disadvantage.
Here’s one I liked a lot on the habits of Mars. Are you in the habit of having the courage to be who you are, even when others don’t like it? It takes a lot of strength and will to break out of the expectations, or limitations others try to place on us.
When we watch Disney movies or some story based around a heroic figure, there is often the theme of a person breaking free and living life on their terms. But of course, no one understands them. No one understands their vision, especially those who are not following their own vision. People who are in the habit of using Mars in a positive way are able to fight for themselves in this way.
But, the point of this post was not to focus on Mars specifically. The point was to share this series of videos by Ernst Wilhelm. They will give you a very in-depth understanding of how you are using the energy of the planets in your life. This course teaches the subject in a way that is meant to help you achieve mastery over yourself. If you want to take the full Lajjitaadi Avasthas Master course, he charges $30 a month to access all courses on his site, so you can take up to a month learning it at your leisure for $30.
*The avasthas are Parasara astrology techniques that help us judge the condition of the planets, including the “mood” of the planets and how capable they are of being productive (or obstructive) influences in our lives.
Butterfly Photo by Ray Hennessy
May your good habits prevail over your bad ones,
These new videos by Ernst are fantastic and very informative. Thank you for letting people know about them.
I appreciate you adding your input because I want people to hear from others that these videos are terrific. ๐ Not everyone has the attention span for his discourses, but they’re worth it.