Please reference my article on the swamsha, for additional information on what it means and how it is used.
Tulaamse ca vaniga jaato vastraadinimitau patuh.
In Libra Navamsa the native is a merchant skillful in making garments.
BPHS, Effects of Karakamsa, 5
At last, Libra swamsha. For those who have been waiting for me to continue on with the svamsa series, you probably know there is very little written about them online. Jaimini tells us Libra Svamsa is involved in trade, and Parashara tells us the native is a merchant, skilled in making garments. That’s it. I have to be careful about what I write, because mucking up the pool of Astrology information is the last thing I want to do.
I thank the stars for my varied life experience that has allowed me to get up-close and personal with a lot of different swamshas. Libra was a bit of a roadblock for me (the others will come faster until I get to Aquarius), but after a lot of contemplation and revisiting the charts of people I worked with with Libra svamsa (yes, they actually did worked in trade and design) I am ready to write about it.
Libra Swamsha Themes
Trade is the ability to cleverly work with other people – leveraging yourself while making sure your partners or associates are also benefiting. Libra swamsha will gain abundance when joined in a mutual effort, in a partnership, relationship or some kind of cooperative project. Single-mindedly searching for abundance or holding too much power typically doesn’t bode well for them, because a big part of their soul is searching for lucrative partnerships.
Part of the reason Libra svamsa can be so successful in business/trade is because the native is at a point of balancing Aries-like qualities in a Libra environment. Aries has that self-promoting quality and initiative needed for business. Jaimini uses the word “patuh” meaning clever, which has a different connotation from just “intelligent.” “Patuh” also means skillful, capable, hard, intense, and keen. Those are traits commonly held by people truly excelling in business or merchandising.
Thriving in business and trade means a natural intelligence of the value of time, skill, labor, materials, etc. Under benefic rasi aspects, Libra svamsa has natural understanding of value. If afflicted, the native will make poor decisions in life around managing time and resources effectively, and not choosing the right partners.
1.2.8. läbhe väṇijyam.
läbhe – (7) Loc. väṇijyam – Nom. traffic, trade, commerce,
merchandise (root “vaani” – value).
In Libra – trade.
Strengths for Libra Swamsha
Artistic flair, a sense of style and generally knowing what is popular and what the people want. Regardless of gender, they can find themselves working with textiles, design, luxury items, or overall “Venusian” products. When Libra svamsa is operating at their best they lead busy social lives, making connections with others and putting themselves out there as they pursue their creative vision. They can take anything and make it more beautiful, more interesting, and more marketable.
When positively aspected, there’s a good ability to see their way out of financial difficulties and remain flexible and open to receive input from others.
Potential problems for Libra Swamsha
When rasi aspected by cruel grahas, the native can lose their footing in their social interactions when it comes to work/business. Collaborating is a struggle because they don’t want their vision to get obstructed by others. This in the theme of their Aries/Libra: they are now taking Aries qualities of having ideas, and being self-motivating and applying it to business, art, and working with others. The strength of the svamsa determines how easily they deal with it. Ego ands self-worth can also get in their way of harmonious partnerships, because the Sun is debilitated in Libra.
Libra svamsa can become fixated on wealth, and potentially fall into over-spending, greed, or self-protection. Sometimes they can feel alone despite being surrounded by a lot of people. They should not let their material well-being take priority over their spiritual wellbeing.
Hope you enjoyed this analysis of Libra swamsha. If you have this swamsha, I invite you to contribute to my research and send your birth info to my email.
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