“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”
― Rick Warren
I think much of life moves like a bell curve – we start out attempting to build up our identity: assigning all kinds of titles, gaining achievements, and working to feel good about ourselves until we reach a crescendo of ego-identification somewhere in midlife. Then, we age, our looks fade, our kids no longer need or want us, we get replaced at work, and slowly we receive less validation and relevancy. The natural cycle of life will force humility on you eventually, and the bigger the ego the greater the pain when those humbling events occur.
One such humbling event is when Rahu transits over natal Sun. Now, you may have heard this is a period of self-aggrandizement, but boy is the contrary the more common scenario. It may seem to make more sense that Ketu, the node connected with detachment would humble us, but Rahu takes us out of our comfort zone.
So, what can you expect from this transit? Well, I made a video about it at the risk of revealing how un-mysterious and un-wise I am in person. I hope you take the time to watch. And subscribe. I’ve posted it at the end of this article.
Rahu Transiting Sun: Change in status, hurt ego, sometimes identity crisis
The Sun is karaka of the self, and represents authority, status, and the things we’re responsible for, aka our “kingdom.” Indeed, it is so common to see changes in all of these areas during this transit. In my video, I focus on the change in one’s status and their responsibilities through marriage or divorce, but here are some other things that I have seen change under this transit:
- Leaving positions that were an integral part of your identity
- Obtaining some new title or position of authority
- Initiations into a lineage
Less concrete changes but things you’re likely to experience:
- Receiving criticism from others
- Feelings of failure, not meeting personal expectations
- Facing flaws and shortcomings
- Questioning yourself, who you are, what you’re doing with your life
Rahu Transiting Sun Can Replace False Confidence with True Confidence
This is a rare outcome of this transit, but it is possible if people deal with it consciously. As Rahu shreds up a person’s identity or self-esteem, there is an opportunity for deepened humility, compassion for oneself, as well as releasing the need to prove anything, lecture anyone, or be anyone. In short, the experience can give rise to true confidence that is quiet, gentle, and not dictated by any external achievement or validation.
When you’re forced to disconnect from the labels you formerly used to make sense of yourself, or from the outcome of your actions, such as accomplishments, praise, titles, (likes, comments, and followers?) you get more in touch with the core of yourself. That part of you that persists despite everything. I hope that’s what this transit leads you to!
For more on Rahu transiting Sun, check out my video:
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