The planet Venus is seen crossing the sun in June 2004 as photographed through a telescope at Planetarium Urania in Hove, Belgium
You may have heard that the Sun has a malefic influence in our birth charts, that it “burns” the area of the chart it touches. If the life-giving Sun is the King, and represents our divine spark, why is it considered a krura graha (cruel planet)? The short answer is because it gives growth through challenges and effort, but here’s some additional light on how the Sun functions as a mild malefic in the birth chart.
Breaking Down the False Sense of Self
The Sun is the Atman and represents our true infinite self. Due to its sattvic nature, the Sun wants to purify us and remind us of our divine essence. One of the ways it accomplishes this is by separating us from things outside of ourselves, so you can know your true self. The process of knowing our real self is challenging because it means forgetting our ego and the false, limited identity we cling to.
Wherever Sun is in your chart, it shows the things in life you are working to evolve and purify. Ultimately, the Sun wants to help spiritualize you. The Sun is a malefic planet because it shows what has to be sacrificed in order to make the most growth. The Sun is a giant ball of fire, of Agni. We use the sacred fire (Agni) to absorb our sacrifice. We also use fire to purify. Another thing about the Sun is that it’s too bright to look at – it’s blinding and uncomfortable. I find that the house directly opposite the Sun is usually a house we have natural intelligence towards, and the one the Sun is occupying is one we’re trying to figure out and being hurt by. Perhaps, there is a self-centered attitude with the Sun that leads to a sort of blindness.
Sun is Malefic Because it Shows an Area of Sacrifice
So, wherever Sun is situated in your chart, there’s going to be an element of sacrifice there or an over-identification that cannot be satisfied. The Sun is the biggest, brightest body in our solar system and nothing can live up to its brilliance. Planets conjunct the Sun become agitated because their own light is lost in comparison. If you have planets conjunct the Sun, think about the meaning of those planets and just how much you identify with their qualities. Part of you is getting caught up in identifying with the limiting aspects of those planets. Personally, I think planets conjunct the Sun show strong past-life associations that we are working to detach from.
Regarding house placement, here are some examples: Sun in the 11th is a classic position for popularity, fame, and social recognition. However, with this placement, it’s easy to feel overshadowed by your reputation, and it becomes difficult to separate their identity from the influence of the masses. Another example is Sun in the 7th makes a person focused on relationship and identifies strongly with their partners. But, the Sun in the 7th can create power struggles, or make it difficult to have even exchanges with others. Sun in the 2nd may separate a person from their material possessions to show they are much more than the things they buy.
Compared to the other malefic planets, the Sun is much milder. Also, as a noble planet, the sacrifices will be for the betterment of something in your life. The condition of your Sun shows your ability to act in accordance with your true, higher self. So, the strength of your Sun shows to what level things may need to be sacrificed in order for you to shed your ego’s association with those things.
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