By overlapping different biorhythms, you can achieve great accuracy for preventing or achieving pregnancy
Can you use astrology to help with fertility or birth control? Yes – with astonishing accuracy. Astrological conception control is used in tandem with knowing ovulation windows. Obviously, following your own cycle and fertility indicators is the primary consideration. Adding astrology to biorhythm tracking narrows fertility down even further. With this information, you know which days to be vigilant to avoid conception (or vigilant if trying to conceive).
This astrological method for fertility tracking relies on the moon phases and how they relate to one’s personal birth chart. Astrological fertility occurs when the difference in degrees between the transiting Sun and Moon are the same as the difference between the Sun and the Moon in a woman’s horoscope. That Moon phase is going to give the highest rate of conception during ovulation.
Research has shown that 80% of pregnancies occur during these periods of astrological fertility, and that only 20% of pregnancies occur during periods of ovulation that do not coincide with astrological fertility. Therefore, astrological fertility alone is 80% accurate. Most of this research was done by Dr. Eugen Jonas, who had a fertility clinic and thus, was able to test his method for several years with numerous clients. Back in the 70s, people seemed more accepting that this method involved astrology, but you won’t find the word “astrology” anywhere on the present website. The site is also vague about how the “calculations” are determined, but this technique has been circulating among astrologers for decades (and of course, there’s been techniques for fertility since always).
Following astrological fertility along with determining ovulation dates through cycle tracking, basal temperature, and other signs has been shown to be 97.7% effective as a means of birth control. In fact, Dr. Jonas website boasts that his method for conception control is correct in 98.6% of cases.
Critiques on Jonas’s method
Because I know which transits trigger a pregnancy, I know that this method of Dr. Jonas is very simplistic. I have wondered if it could really be so simple. I know fertility astrologers who have been critical of this method. This is because fertility astrologers know that pregnancy prediction requires many solid techniques, and additional criteria needs to be met for conception to occur. In other words, you could never predict pregnancy with this simple lunar phase method.
So don’t mistake this as a predictive technique, which it is not. Rather, a way of seeing when a woman’s unique fertility “angle” is coinciding with ovulation, thereby increasing the odds. For seeing when pregnancy will actually occur, you’ll need much more than this method.
Astrological Birth Control Report
The software I use, Kala, automatically generates a report of fertility dates (which can also be used as birth control by showing you which dates to avoid). You can now request a fertility report from me for $1 (I’d like to make it free, but I’ve done that before and weird things start happening). If you need a free one though, just send me an email. You can request one here.
To prevent pregnancy, one should abstain from intercourse within five days of the astrological fertility date, as intercourse within five days can cause pregnancy if ovulation occurs within that five-day period.
Men should not be shy about knowing their partner’s cycle and their dates. In fact, I encourage it. .
Do you ever teach astrology for fertility and not becoming pregnant?
Hi Beth, I haven’t taught or written much about these subjects, since I was rarely asked about it. But, if I ever finish the medical astrology course I’m making, I think a fertility one would be a good idea. If you’re asking if I know about fertility astrology instead of just avoiding conception, then yes – I know the fertile time windows, how to see if there are physiological obstructions (though a doctor can tell you that) or other obstacles. The only tools an astrologer has for improving fertility is telling when the better windows of time are (which, can make a big difference). The astrologer versed in medical astrology could point to elemental imbalances preventing fertility and make suggestions on that.