Jai Brihaspath, dispeller of darkness
There are some transits that invigorate our lives and give us new sources of inspiration. As these transits move in and out of our experience, we ebb and flow towards greater self-knowledge. Jupiter transiting the first house is one such transit. It marks the initiation of a new, Jupitarian thing in your life.
Transits through the first house are significant because they have a greater impact on defining one’s path. A strong first house gives a secure sense of self and direction. Having a sense of direction and clear vision to follow is so important, as so many are stumbling through life without a solid understanding of who they are or what they’re meant to be doing.
Being one of the slower-moving planets, Jupiter transiting the first house occurs every 12 years. Since we only experience this transit once each decade of life, it holds some extra weight. Jupiter confers growth by bringing new opportunities for education, money, or a revived sense of purpose. Depending on the condition of Jupiter in a chart, as well as how consciously one is working on Jupitarian issues, you’ll see a few common themes during this time.
Aligning with Your Path
When Jupiter goes through the 1st house, there’s renewed enthusiasm for pursuing the aspirations one has for themselves. The vision one has for life becomes clearer, or begins to incorporate something new and motivating. While the promise of this transit may seem like big and bold changes are on the horizon, it isn’t always the case. Many times it’s a critical first step that has a lasting impact over the next several years.
This is because the first house marks the beginning of a cycle that follows the resolution of the 12th house. So, rather than this transit being one of big rewards, it’s more about unique impulses or the inception of something lasting. A new philosophy or belief, area of study, new teacher, new child, etc. One example that comes to mind is Kim Kardashian decided to pursue law when Jupiter crossed her first house. This was something she hadn’t done before, and the decision altered her path the next several years. It was the first step in a new Jupitarian journey (Jupiter rules law/philosophy). Additionally, she had her 4th child that year (Jupiter rules children). It was also when she launched her brand, skims.
So we see how this transit is one of beginnings. It is common to see people starting an education program, having a child, starting a business, or doing something new regarding the house Jupiter rules in the chart.
Themes of Money
Because Jupiter represents prosperity and abundance, money is a common theme during this transit. When it comes to receiving/making money, it tends to be a bit inconsistent. There are other transits that are more reliable indicators of gaining money. However, what I found to be more common were decisions made around money. Sometimes, this decision can be to earn less money for the sake of doing something more enjoyable or pursuing a different path. Learning how to manage money or making a financial investment are also common occurrences. You can think of it as the transit that precedes Jupiter’s transit into the second house, which more reliably gives money. Decisions made during this transit will impact what Jupiter is able to give when it transits the second.
Examples of Jupiter Transiting the 1st House
Because Jupiter directly aspects the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses from the first, this is usually a time of fun, creativity, traveling, or romance. The second time I went through this transit I started my first year of college and was newly financially independent.
The third time I went through this transit I had my 2nd child. So, I had a new Jupitarian thing (child) come into my life. I also decided to stop writing for other people and use all my time/talent for my own aspirations. Both times Jupiter crossed my first as an adult, I traveled by myself for my own enjoyment.
Even though life will naturally prepare you for the events of this transit, it’s better to be proactive about what you want to initiate during this time. That’s living consciously. I’ve found that sitting and waiting for transits to change your life doesn’t quite work. They present windows of opportunity, and it’s up to you to decide how much happens within those windows.
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