Art by Lucy Campbell
Abounding in Vata and Kapha and filled with knowing is the Moon of round body. O’ Twice Born, auspiciously eyed, of sweet speech, fluctuating and lovesick.
-Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Nature and Form of the Grahas, 24
The soft, gentle moon as atmakaraka imbues an individual with sensitivity, adaptability, and nurturing ability. Moon as a soul planet guides an individual through intuitive ability and emotional intelligence, and their gut instincts are often right. This is why the moon is said to be full of knowing – they seem to just “know things” and skip tedious problem-solving. A person with Moon Atmakaraka will need to learn to trust their inner feelings and instincts – not the conflicting information of their mind or what others say.
Brihat Parashara describes the moon as fluctuating. The changing nature of the moon lends adaptability to the Moon Atmakaraka individual. They tend to be the person in a group who can “go with the flow,” especially if means keeping the peace. This adaptability can, in some cases, give a fickle or restless nature, which can be seen when they try to decide on longterm plans for themselves.
The moon has no light of its own, but reflects the light of the Sun. This is what gives it it’s lovesick nature and sense of longing for that ‘source of light‘ in their life. The soul’s desire of those with Moon as Atmakaraka is to experience a deep, deep emotional bond and total acceptance from someone. The challenge is usually to approach relationships in a more balanced way. The lovesick Moon is happiest in a relationship and will go to great lengths to keep their partner happy and support them, even to the point of codependency if the moon is afflicted. With Moon Atmakaraka being so lovesick, they can “lose themselves” in their relationships, or become uncomfortably needy.
For the Moon Atmakaraka person, they should take care of their mental attitude and emotional balance. The harshness of the world can affect them deeply. There is potential for neediness resulting from inner emptiness – this is an area of life that they’ll need to work on. Their strengths are their emotional intelligence, creativity, and devotional nature. Though they are peace-loving, they are also passionate about their beliefs due to their beliefs being very tired to their emotions.
Meditation and writing are good exercises for those with Moon Atmakaraka, especially if you’re full of unsettled emotions, or your mind is burdened with worries, fears, and fragmented thoughts. Writing or meditation will help keep you centered in yourself and your emotions balanced.
I can not agree more. Moon is my Atmakaraka. I’m one hell of a lovesick. All my life I’ve been seeking for deep, deep emotional bond…. I don’t know when I will find one. But I will keep faith on God always. I know one day I will get that emotiontional bonding.
Om Namah Shivaya & Maa Paarvathi.
Hi Riddhi, I know all too well how that feels. Love yourself fully and cultivate your own joy and you will attract love and joy. To seek love from lack will only attract more lack. When Parvati reached out to Lord Shiva it was only after attaining her inner fullness that Shiva responded to her! Be blessed.
Thank you dear for saying this. Its really amazing to know your knowledge regarding Maa Paarvathi and God Shiva. Also the bonding between Vishnu Deva and Maa Laxmi conveys the divine timing also. I will also reamin dedicated to get my lover at the perfect timing arranged by the universe.
Apart from that, I’m very much impressed by your presentation and the content you provided. Keep rocking like this. I really enjoy your reading. Love and bliss. Riddhi.
My brother has this and he cannot live without relationships, he is either constantly looking for or getting approached by relationships. All his relationships dont seem to go well
Usually I watch vedic astrology meaning on YouTube, and this is the first time I got from a writing explanation such a deep experience. You really described amazing my boyfriend who has this atmakaraka. I felt like I can feel your softness and clever knowledge through your words. Thank tou so much.
Awesome….Thank you
Thank you so much,this explains alot.
I have Moon as my Atmakaraka planet.
Fortunately I did find someone Worthy, however getting so intensely absorbed and losing oneself,is not healthy.
My gut and intuition is very strong.
I trust it 100%.
But after my veil lifted in. 2016 , Uranus the Rude Awakener ,made me aware of my disability.
I stepped back into my power ,and empowered myself.
I lost my dependency.
However the disillusionment, has created a certain detachment now.
But I am more at peace.
Meditation helps tremendously.
Thank you
The disillusionment comes from accepting any external source of knowledge that we seek to know ourselves as the soul’s fate/destiny written in stone and instead of a conscious tool to assist with discernment of heart and life path matters while still claiming your one free will and power to co-create your own reality. Astrology can be manipulated… electional astrology is quite the tool to wreak havoc on one’s Free Will, life path and destiny if inappropriately utilized. Words are spells, and depending on the filtered lens we are looking from we can see what ever we choose to see if we want it bad enough, no matter how unhealthy it is for us. Your hearts leads the way, the charts are tools to RISE above them… to evolve… to not be a victim to fate. the more we seek externally the wider the path to destruction… the gate is narrow… your heart is the GUIDE… your discernment is the key… the light codes from within… what you see above is the projection of the You-inverse within you… Safe travels, tourists.