Thin and long-bodied is Saturn, and yellow-eyed, Vata natured, large toothbed, indolent, lame and having coarse hair, O’ Twice
Born.” -Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Nature and Form of the Grahas,Out of all the planets, Saturn is definitely the most misunderstood. If you only interpret Saturn as the harbinger of doom, you miss the gold that Saturn offers: the opportunity for self-improvement and refinement. It is the lessons of Saturn that save us from ourselves and bring transformation. Achieving anything in life always takes perseverance, sacrifice, and discipline, making Saturn a critical planet for accomplishing anything worthwhile.
Characteristics of Saturn Atmakaraka
If you have Saturn as your Atmakaraka, many of Saturn’s qualities will be part of your nature. This Atmakaraka makes a person mature, even from a young age. Usually, there is something in childhood that gives a person more responsibility or keeps them from having a truly carefree childhood. It gives a person a very dutiful nature, making them some of the most reliable people you’ll meet.
A strong Saturn gives the ability to spend a good deal of time alone. With Saturn as Atmakaraka, you’ll feel comfortable with the alone time needed for intense study, practicing a skill or any long-term project. This gives the ability to meet goals (although sometimes slowly) and develop a high level of skill in their area of interest. There is a great capacity to work and serve.
People with Saturn as Atmakaraka often experience loss in their lives, or they witness a lot of suffering. Now, loss can come in many forms, so if you have Saturn as Atmakaraka please don’t worry about an impending loss (if you haven’t already experienced one). There are multiple other things to consider in a chart in order to tell what kind of loss it could be. Usually, it is a loss that is outside of your control.
Those with Saturn as their Atmakaraka tend to have some issues with fear, which could come from experiencing or witnessing loss and suffering. Saturn will make a person very aware of all the things that could potentially go wrong. This creates a personality that is prone to worrying.
Soul Lessons for Saturn as Atmakaraka
Saturn Atmakaraka gives a person the ability to endure suffering, even for the sake of other people. While this is a hallmark trait of a noble person, Saturn people can become so accustomed to dealing with hardship that they no longer try to get themselves out of it. Their sense of duty, ability to endure, and willingness to shoulder burdens make them stay in situations that aren’t good for them.
If you have Saturn as your Atmakaraka, you need to let go of some of the unrealistic expectations you have of yourself. Because Saturn makes people aware of their limitations or “flaws” they can obsess about compensating for them and never living up to their rigid expectations.
Don’t obsess about your weaknesses, and don’t let your awareness of your weaknesses hold you back from pursuing something you want.
Thanx a ton that was just so amazing to read and inspiring at the same time as I have Saturn as a Atmakaraka!
I have had my share of sorrows, though I gained through marriage, I am sure I am going to lose it all eventually. My life is constantly about sorrows and loss. Saturn atmakaraka sure is doing its duties
Very illuminating! It explains why I beat myself up in order to make everything just right, accept unacceptable situation for too long and worry far too much. I am exceptionally prepared, on the positive side however it is a battle to not become a control freak. Thank you- I can now focus on those aspects to improve my mindset.
Hi Brooke,
My Saturn is my Atmakaraka and it is debilitated.
Is it going to be really difficult for me?
You mentioned loss in your article, yes I have experienced a great loss. My father died when I was only 14. Since, then we have a lot of financial issues.
Brooke, Saturn is in the 11th house conjunction with Venus and Jupiter..
Both benefic planets. It gives me isolation. 11th house is gains and friends.
I feel lonely and depressed..
How can I change this?.. I want to grow to a beautiful human.
Brooke will this Saturn always give me difficulty in money and social circle?
Saturn aspects my Moon. My Moon is in the 5th house. It gives me depressing feeling.
Please reply and tell me how can I change stay positive and what good things this Saturn will give me in future.
I received your email, Priya and following up there 🙂
Yes 100% spot on. I have amatyakarka in saturn, and I hate it so much
Guys the more it hits u harder, the more u stand against it is from my experience…
I personally don’t think we need anymore experience being taught how to live, we are born mature and responsible!!! Although he controls everything in my chart being AK and AL and also exalted with great strength, I have seen everyone around me surpass me in every aspect of life… Everything I get even simple ones endure so much difficulties… Not caring about anything we don’t possess and totally stopping obsession with anything really helps!!!
That is one time tested way of dealing with Saturn as he can’t deny what u don’t desire… Stop following passions and obsessions as I tends to end in failures especially for Saturn AK..
DOB : 15 Jan 1995
Time : 09:48 am
Place of Birth: Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
I wanna know if saturn is my atmakaraka coz lately i’m going through a lot of emotional pain. loneliness is eating me up from inside and i’m working hard to deal with it but somedays i just find myself at the end of all sufferings in the world. Kindly let me know what do i do?
You’re probably reaching the cumulative point of dealing with Rahu transiting your moon and Saturn and Ketu transiting your Sun for the last year and a half. Saturn (and Ketu) have been in your 11th house the last year, which is such a lonely and isolating transit (losing friends, moving away from people, etc). Rahu transiting the moon is a wild and emotionally turbulent time for most people, but yours is coming to an end. People are reaching their breaking points. As far as what to do…well, hopefully you can take some comfort knowing it is temporary and there are more fulfilling days ahead. You are learning so much about yourself, but honestly you’re not quite “yourself” right now, not with those transits on your Sun and Moon.
Instead of putting yourself in the middle of your pain, try to step to the side and watch. Observe Keshava and send her love and compassion because she’s been through so much. Saturn is not your Atmakaraka but it is on your ascendant so you will feel the weight of the world and feel responsible for everything. Breathe, let all of that go, do some writing while your emotions are raw and vibrant. Try writing a conversation back and forth to yourself – sometimes that helps the subconscious mind release deeper issues. I send love and take care.
According to vedic astrology ur atmakaraka is mercury and amatyakaraka is saturn means saturn is the guiding planet to u and its good only …..carefull while ur communicating with others since ur atmakaraka is mercury it shows u have to learn to communicate in a well mannered way since mercury is in 12 th hiuse u may be emotional,intuitive they have to gather so much courage to actually speak up for themselves …..mercury and sun conjunction s there so its a budhaithya yoga means u are intelligent person …..ur intelligence work really well when u make postive approach towards life so be positive what ever may happenin life then u will find beautiful results whatever u r looking for …..have hope ….it surely leads to successful life…all the best
Hi Priyanka – First of all, the timing right now for you is difficult. The job situation will work itself out next year, Jupiter will be casting its special aspects to your 6th and 10th house but money might still be tight. Focus on your job first and do what you need to do to feel happy. If you have a relationship ending now, you don’t want to rush into another one. It’s better to let some time pass and heal so you’re not so emotionally vulnerable and can make better decisions with choosing a man. There’s a couple things in your chart that indicate a lot of passion and high ideals for relationships – its super important to you and you can get caught up in idealizing the person and then being let down. You need to learn to SEE the person for who they actually are outside of the “love glasses.” How evolved are they as a person? There is much to learn here. Nothing has to continue as long as we learn from our past.
I use tropical zodiac, so your chart in my calculator gives me a different view. There are positive indications regarding a husband, I certainly don’t see marriage being blocked. I think you will meet someone in a couple years and then, if marriage is your goal, tie the knot in 2025. Love and relationships are a tricky artform I suggest working on yourself and reading something like “If the Buddha dated” in the meantime.
Take care during these times of upheaval and trust that life is turning you in a new direction for a good reason.
Thank you for replying. I lost job in July. took 3 months off to concentrate on my love life and it’s begining to fail now. I need the support of this person but he cannot put me over his family not even for time being till I stand up. It seems like god is taking away all the things from me. I cannot concentrate on searching job bcz of my relationship. If I delay the breakup is there any chance my love life can improve later like next year.
Hi Brooke. My name is Itisha Joshi, DoB is 6th March, 1990 and ToB is 8:37 am. I wanted to know if Saturn is my Aatmakaraka. I constantly feel sad; don’t remember the year when I was truly happy. I don’t get things I want in my professional and personal life easily and there is a constant feeling of sorrow, struggle and hardships. I always feel unloved in all my relationships (relationships of all kinds), like my feelings are not reciprocated and like I am always the one loving and caring more.. And I haven’t had any sort of luck in romantic relationships either. Please let me know what is it that I can do? Do you see me ever falling in love/being loved? Or should I give up on this aspect of life and just focus on my career?
Hi Itisha, I actually emailed you a bit ago to ask for your city of birth, since I would need that information too. My email may have gone to your spam folder. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling down for such a long time, hopefully I can offer you a helpful and encouraging perspective. Just need your birth location, which you can email me if you like.
I am sorry, I think I missed your email. And thank you for replying to me.
My place of birth is Bhilai, Chhattisgarh (India)
Itisha – there is a lack of rejuvenation and nourishment. Perhaps you work too much and don’t know how to get the fulfillment you need after you have put in the effort, or your diet is not properly nourishing and affecting your emotions. There may also be a lack of nourishing people in your life and need to surround yourself with more positive and wholesome influences. You need to take time to recharge your batteries and nurture your talents. Are your talents being recognized? Is your money/resources being used wisely? These are also points that have come up. Basically, the work you are putting into life is not giving a return, and this has to do with Venus and whether your decisions are in alignment with what fulfills you.
The answer is to center in YOUR truth – centering in your heart and avoid the false messages of what success is and fake friendships.
Regarding love: Pay attention to details and learn to see a person for who they really are and what they can offer you instead of falling into hypnotic attractions. You’re a hard worker and ambitious, but when you let a man into your life you need to let him work hard for you. Yes, I have no doubt you are putting in the work and doing more of the loving and caring. Now you need to take care of yourself. Men associate effort with value, so never feel bad for having them put in an effort – the man you want will step up to the task.
Hi, I have a question concerning Saturn as my Atmakaraka. Within the same house that Saturn is in, I also have Ketu. I’m in the process of trying to get my time of birth from the hospital. The calculator that I put my birthday and place of birth says that I have Rahu in the 1st/ketu in 7th along with Saturn which is at 29 degrees. From what I’ve read it seems like all of these placements stay the same, but maybe the houses change once I put in time of birth..? I also have the Sun, Moon,Mercury, and Mars in the 5th house, and I read that this could be an indicator for Sannyas Yoga. I’m just curious about what will change once I get the time of birth. I was born on September 14th 1985 in Lakeland Florida. I really appreciate any information. Thank you very much.
Hi Richard, when you input your time, the only thing that will change is which houses your planets fall in. If Moon is very close to the beginning or end of a sign, it’s possible the moon sign changes, and with that in mind, sometimes the moon can move enough to become a new jaimini karaka. Does this answer your question?
Hello Brooke 🙂 I appreciate your article & have been reading through your responses & would love a reading if possible. I saw that one of the readers’s questions you answered was answered on my Birthday & her situation felt a bit similar to what I’ve been living as well (Saturn is also my Atmakaraka, along with an extremely Detrimental natal chart also :'( Existing has been just a long hell on earth & there is no reason to keep on staying here enduring all of this just to keep on losing, suffering, & life just only getting harder with Nothing making this worth any of the hardship endured, & having only the “Prospect” of life only continually getting worse or staying unlivable as I age). I have given up almost entirely & was READY (actively went on my way to run away from abusive homelife of – piece of sh’t single mother, poverty, loneliness, isolation, deprivation, hunger, Mistreatment from HER family, humiliation, Loss & so much more). Now Im a mother (have never wanted to be but I have no one to give my son to so that he would be SAFE & actually have a normal, ‘worth Being alive for’ Life FAR away from my sh’t mom and a significantly deficient, broken down person like me. I cant take this anymore. There is a LOT more but I wont write it here. I have so many questions & need to know if its even worth keeping on going & putting ANY effort into Anything for any reason anymore in this life or will I just continue to unexpectedly & unavoidably keep having every foundation knocked completely from under me endlessly through life (by unexpected, humiliating, soul killing, loss & random circumstances) & just remain trapped underneath life in horrible & pointless ways?
Hi R, I am not sure if commenters are notified when I reply, but I can follow up via email if you want a reading. My advice for people who were born into such difficult/abusive/traumatizing lives is perhaps a little strange, but what I find helpful is cultivating a warrior spirit for as long as needed to get you out of the trenches. Life did not give you peace, love, or support, but instead threw you in a battlefield. And this is why I said a warrior’s spirit – those in these situations have to work very hard for their independence, because not only is the family not supportive, but they actually hold the person back like weights wrapped around their ankles. Additionally, in the beginning it is easier to turn pain/fear/anger into some kind of productive energy/passion instead of peace and joy – that can come later.
You ask if it’s worth putting in any effort, but with the cards you’ve been dealt, your effort is the only thing you have – that and God’s grace which needs to be sincerely and humbly asked for. So, even though I can tell you’re exhausted, if you have any fight left that is what you must do. What choice is there? Sink or swim, kick ass or get your ass kicked. You’ve already had your ass kicked, so I’ll only be talking about you kicking ass. Sincerely wishing you some ease and hope. Jai Shri Hari