Thin and long-bodied is Saturn, and yellow-eyed, Vata natured, large toothbed, indolent, lame and having coarse hair, O’ Twice Born.” -Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Nature and Form of the Grahas, Out of all the planets, Saturn is definitely the most misunderstood. If you only interpret Saturn as the harbinger of doom, you miss the gold that Saturn offers: the opportunity… View Post
What to do if you have a “bad” horoscope?
What is a person to do if they start learning Astrology and discover their chart contains indications of hardship? Do you feel doomed because your horoscope shows signs of an unfulfilling relationship, or that you’ll struggle with health, or never get the money or career you want? After the fun of looking at character traits, sometimes people learn something about… View Post
Is Your Moon Waxing or Waning?
The moon is always changing, and in our birth chart is shows our evolutionary growth. Though the moon is overall a gentle and benefic planet, in Vedic Astrology the moon is considered to be either Cruel (krura) or Gentle (saumya) depending on whether it’s waxing or waning. This detail describes the moons influence on manifestation or separation in our lives…. View Post
Meaning of Jupiter as Atmakaraka
Large-bodied is Jupiter, and also tawny haired and eyed, of Kapha nature, intelligent and proficient in all Shastras.” -‐Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Nature and Form of the Grahas, 24 Jupiter Atmakaraka will make a person forever dedicated to the acquisition (and sharing) of knowledge. Their interests tend to fall into the realm of philosophy, teaching, spirituality, religion, or something they… View Post