If your atmakaraka falls in Scorpio in the Navamsa chart, then you are Scorpio Swamsha. Your swamsha sign gives a whole new layer of information of soul qualities and soul lessons. If you have not read my introductory article on Svamsas, I encourage you to start here. I apologize if switching between the alternate spelling is distracting or confusing; I… View Post
The Astrology of Judgement and Health
Let’s face it – we’ve all been conditioned to judge ourselves since we can remember – both overtly and subliminally. I doubt I have to spend any time convincing you that you’ve been taught to think of yourself and others in a myriad of terms that essentially reduce to “good or bad.” Today, I want to talk about this life-restricting… View Post
Astrology of Cryptocurrency and Financial Decentralization
Although unpredictable and difficult to understand at first, decentralized money has been decades in the making. And it’s not just about how we exchange money; it’s a revolution of who holds money and the shift in power that accompanies it. I’d like to shed light on the Astrology of cryptocurrency, specifically, how this fated and revolutionizing event has been unfolding,… View Post
Sun Conjunct Saturn
Psychology and soul lessons of Sun conjunct Saturn, from my brain to yours. – Out of all the planets, the Sun is the closest one we have to perfection. It is the atman, the brightest, the King, it is the point that all other planets revolve. The Sun only really has one failure: Saturn. One of the Sun’s duties is… View Post
What does it mean to have empty houses in The Birth Chart?
I see the question of empty houses in the birth chart come up a lot, so I decided to address it. Since this is a somewhat rudimentary question, I’ll cover some of the basics. But, even those who have been learning Astrology for a while can wonder how to read a house if it is unoccupied by planets. The 12… View Post
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