In this chart, Moon is holding the lowest degrees (5:18) and is therefore the DaraKaraka
In Jaimini’s degree-based karaka system, each planet (Sun through Saturn) represents the people in your life. I already covered the AtmaKaraka as the indicator of self, but the Darakaraka is the indicator of your spouse. By examining your Darakaraka you learn a great deal about the characteristics of the person you marry.
Though the natural karakas (significator) of a husband and wife is Jupiter and Venus, the DaraKaraka is specific to you. Anyone looking for a wife will want qualities of Venus, but the DK will show the other, more individualistic qualities they seek. Likewise, Jupiter represents the qualities of a good husband (knowledge, forgiveness, virtue, honesty, etc) but the DaraKaraka shows the unique nature of your husband.
How to find your DaraKaraka
The DaraKaraka is the planet in your chart that holds the lowest degree out of all planets (Sun through Saturn). When you calculate a birth chart, each planet has a degree number next to it. Identify which one holds the lowest degree and that planet is your DaraKaraka. This should be very easy, but if you have questions feel free to ask.
The house and sign your DK is placed in shows the kind of person your spouse is and part of the fulfillment you get from them. For example, mine is the Moon in the sign of Scorpio, and it’s in the 12th house. My husband is a Cancer (ruled by Moon) but his moon is also in Scorpio, and his Sun and Lagna lord are in the 12th house. All kinds of techniques can be applied to this planet to judge whether they are a source of frustration or more of a benefit to your life.
Here are the individual meaning of each planets:
darakaraka illustration with the chart most helpful. I was misunderstanding that the least of planetary position of total 360 degree to be taken .
Ah good, I know a lot of people have the same confusion, so I thought it would be easier with a picture. Thank you!
Can DK be the planet which is ascendant and at lowest degress, but does not occupy the house?
Hi Shagun, it is the planet with the lowest degrees, regardless of the ascendant or other house placement. I hope this answered your question, let me know if not!
Does saturn darakarak in libra in chitra nakshatra guarantee that there will be compatibility with the spouse. Venus, mercury, sun and jupiter are also in the same sign.
Hi Richa, examing compatibility and fulfillment from spouse requires additional techniques. The Navamsa is really the place to look at your Saturn, as well as 9th house in Navamsa, 7th from Atmakaraka, and also applying some Jaimini techniques to UpaPada. Your Darakaraka is exalted and sitting with friends Mercury and Venus, I can tell you those are good indications. Sun or an aspect from Mars can cause some problems, but there’s more good there than bad.
I have Mars in Libra-Chitra as DK, and he in an opposition to Jupiter in Aries-Ashwini in D-1, my seventh lord in D-1 is the Moon in Leo-Purva Phalguni in 8th house(Does it bad?), my Venus is conjunct With Rahu in 7th, my Upapada Lagna is Leo, If I forgot something please talk to me, that this gives on the characteristics of the spouse? and their skin color and ethnic background as I can see this also me regarding the spouse!
Hi Luke, Rahu conjunct Venus always indicates lessons around relationships, since Rahu is also in your 7th house, this further indicates that you’ll be learning a lot through trial and error. 7th lord in 8th = ups and downs in relationships. Venus gives a light complexion, but Rahu gives dark or foreign. But, color really is not important and Venus in 7th usually gives a beautiful spouse anyway. Capricorn ascendants often end up with partners who are rather emotional, and since your Moon is in your 8th, you’re going to gravitate towards someone who understands your intense emotions. If any of this information has bothered you, just email me your birth info and I’ll give you some advice.
Hi Brooke 🙂 interesting concept…how would my spouse be as I have Jupiter darakaraka that is retrograde in 6th house aries, I have lord of seventh house Venus in the 12th house…and moon in the seventh house in Taurus? I also have Saturn in my ascendant Scorpio
Thanks 🙂
Hi Brooke.. Happy new year.☺️
..I am A Gemini Acsendant and a Libra Moon.
.. Very well you explained. I loved it.
My Sun is my DK in krittika nak . And it is in 12th house sitting with Mars and Mercury which are in Rohini.
Is it really bad.? You know my Mars is vargottam in d9 in ascendant.
But I have my Venus and Jupiter in scorpio which scares me. My marriage is bad? Because my Saturn is debilitated.
Please help me regarding the characteristics of my husband please. His look and nature.
Also give me an email id so how can I contact you. Please
Happy New Year Priya 🙂 Don’t be afraid of Jupiter being in Scorpio, Mars is a friend to Jupiter so it’s in a friendly sign. However, DK in 12th and 7th lord in 6th: there are different ways these houses can influence a relationship and need to be examined closely. One scenario could be a hard-working spouse who helps you get out of debt, but he also has addiction problems. Another scenario could be that your spouse also has his Sun or Moon in the 12th and could come from another country. And yes, another scenario could be a very argumentative spouse with many conflicts in your relationship. Your Mars in 12th gives you Kuja Dosha (too much arguing that spoils relationships). It’s difficult, but anyone with self-awareness can fix it.
As you can see, it’s easy to jump to conclusions without seeing the whole picture! I added a contact page at the top of my website. Take care!
Hi Brooke happy 2019!! I wanted to ask you…how would my spouse be as I have Jupiter darakaraka that is retrograde in 6th house aries, I have lord of seventh house Venus in the 12th house…and moon in the seventh house in Taurus? I also have Saturn in my ascendant Scorpio
Thanks for your help 🙂
Hi Brooke. I am cancer ascendant, with sun, Rahu and a retrograde Venus in the 7th. Venus is also my Darakaraka and Jupiter in the 12th of Gemini. My 7th lord is also in the 6th conjunct Mars, mercury and moon. Are my chances of a happy relationship completely screwed
Hi Louise, that’s definitely challenging. I’m sure you’ve experienced your fair share of drama. There would need to be help in your divisional charts to turn things around. Venus and Sun there give a strong need/desire for partnerships, but Rahu is where we have little experience and need to learn to develop in this life. Rahu conjunct Venus creates confusion around picking suitable partners, especially female partners. However, I like to think if a person takes their lessons forward with them, that eventually, they can find happiness. Lots of charisma with Sun and Venus in 7th, so no trouble attracting. However, there’s potential to be overbearing in relationships and as a powerful problem solver, you might also look for problems and focus too much on them in relationships. Overall, these are difficult evolutionary lessons tied to karma (indicated by Rahus presence) that usually improve as one ages.
Hi Brooke,
I am not sure if my first comment went through but I just wanted to say great information you have on your website! I am an aries ascendant with Jupiter in 10th with moon both in Capricorn. Jupiter also happens to be my darakarka. Is this jupiter placement something to worry about, will my future husband not love me (i though so because capricorn is a cold sign)? Will he be a foreigner (i also thought so since 10th house can mean foreign land)? I have had bad relationships in the past so my placement worries me.
Hi Jessica, it’s not that the placement is bad, having Jupiter and Moon in angles (like the 10th) is considered a great place to be. The issue is Jupiter is in its sign of debilitation. What I see happen most often with women with debilitated Jupiter’s is the men they meet just aren’t very good, there are lessons to be learned about what too look for in a man and how to pick a good one. It’s usually worse during Jupiter time periods. Check Jupiter’s dignity in the D7 and D9 to see if there is any improvement. Also, any friendly aspects will help. Where is your 7th lord, Venus?
Hi Brooke,
Thank you. You’re right, the men I have come across in my previous relationships have not been all that great but I did learn valuable lessons that has made me evolve into a better person for myself. Most of the men I have dated have been attracted to either my reputation or my career and never for who I really am. Is there anyway of checking what my next man will really be attracted to in me based on my jupiter placement? I have venus in 9th so I guess as a aries ascendant it will be in sagitarius, I also have mars in 6th house and no planet in 2nd or 4th house aspecting jupiter.
. Im not too sure about the jupiter placement in my D9 chart but I do know that in my D7 chart I am a leo ascendant with Jupiter in 4th house with Neptune and Pluto. Is this of any relief to me in terms of my next future husband?
You can’t really tell how the next man will be by looking at your Jupiter, because that’s something that is fixed in your chart and shows the overall theme or karma you’ll be working with most of your life. What you -can- do is look at your planetary time periods (Vimshottari MahaDasas) to see if you are meeting men during the dasa of a planet in good or bad condition in your chart – this will influence the quality of people coming into your life. You have some placements that tell me you are self-sufficient and action oriented, and yes, having both Jupiter and Moon in the 10th can make others drawn to your status or position. But as you said, you definitely don’t want someone after you for those reasons.
The thing about men is that they bond after putting in time and effort, in their minds the harder they have to work for something the more valuable it is. Since you are a hard worker with a generous heart, you may be prone to doing too much in your relationships and not receiving enough (and thus attracting men who just want to benefit from you). If you are the feminine person in the relationship, it is important that you are the one doing the most receiving. I could go on, but don’t want to sound lecturing. 🙂
You can use the chart calculator on this site to see Vimshottari mahadasa and your divisional charts.
Take care,
Lowest degree as in overall lowest degree (out of 360) or lowest out of specific houses?
What if the lowest degree come 0 ‘ 34’ …say mercury still a vid dara karka?
Hi Kiran, yes, planets less than one degree still count. So if your Merc is 0’34 it’s probably your Darakaraka, unless you have a planet less than those degrees!
I have Sun at 0,50’50” and moon at 0,54’10”, what should I consider as my darakaraka..
Sun 🙂
Hi Brooke,
My DK is Venus present in 12th house. 7th lord (Venus) also present in 12th house in Libra. Jupiter is in Leo in D1 and in Virgo in D9. I have always wanted long term relationships, but somehow the separation is always there. I get mentally connected to my partner, but don’t know if the other person has the same mindset(as they always end up having their side business with other females or want to have their side business while at the same time, needing me to be by their side). My sun, Mars, Mercury in Scorpio in 1st house don’t help either, always increasing that need to have control over situations. I turned 30 now. I sometimes even doubt if I should ever get married?
Hi Guddy, I’m sorry lasting relationships have been missing from your life thus far. If you’d like to shoot me an email with your birth info I’ll have a look. Thanks for reading and take care.
Can someone tell me how to calculate what house the DK planet is in?? I can’t find the house ! Help !
Hi Ellie, have you tried using the chart calculator on my site? If you need help interpreting which house it is in, let me know.