In Jaimini’s Upadesa Sutras there’s special significance given to the Atmakaraka, which translates to “soul indicator” (atma=soul, and karaka=indicator). This planet and its placement in your chart provides great insight into what area of life your soul needs to advance. It is your soul’s desire. It also shows a person’s bondage and potential for liberation. Fascinating, right?
Many times the atmakaraka is responsible for the grander, reoccurring theme in a person’s life. It is the “king” of your kingdom and can either outweigh negative effects of other planets, or inhibit them from doing good, depending on the condition of your soul planet. The wellbeing of the Atmakaraka determines to what extent you are in touch with your true self. Your personality and aspirations are very much flavored by your soul planet.
How do you find out your atmakaraka?
Figuring out your atmakaraka is easy: it’s the planet that holds the highest degree in your birth chart, regardless of the sign or house placement it is in. For example, say your Sun is 23 degrees of Capricorn, Mercury is 12 degrees Aquarius. Sun holds the higher degree out of the two. Out of all 7 planets, Sun through Saturn, find the planet holding the highest degree in your chart, and that’s your atmakaraka.
Once you know your atmakaraka, you can begin examining it in your birth chart (rasi chart) and divisional charts to uncover what areas of life you’re meant to be working on.
To help you interpret your soul planet, I’ve made a post for each planet as Atmakaraka. Knowing your soul planet, as well as your friends, family, and partners will give you a ton of insight into how their minds work.
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